Meeting Agenda for November 15, 2022

Please join us for our Team Meeting Tuesdays at 07:00 UTC (APAC friendly) OR Tuesdays at 17:00 UTC (AMER/EMEA friendly) OR Coffee Hour Friday at 13:00 UTC in the #training Slack channel for our weekly meetings! This Week’s Agenda Intro/Welcome News Meeting Note Takers November 15 – @vanpariyar @Ronak Vanpariya (vanpariyar) November 22 – @piyushmultidots @Piyush Asthana November 29 – @pitamdey @Pitam Dey Faculty Members Update Choosing accessible/contrasting dark theme colors for online workshops and tutorial videos Project Thread: Content Localization Foundations Looking for project volunteers! Reimaging the Training Team Contributor Roles Looking for feedback on these newly drafted handbook pages for GitHub Process



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